Analyzing Investment Property: 3 Great [FREE] Sites

We are often asked by our clients for recommendations to sites for analyzing whether a particular property would make a good investment or not. Here will will share some free* resources we frequently use to get a quick idea of whether or not the property is worth pursuing. 1. If the rental market where the […]
Home Buying Tools for Picking your Neighborhood! [VIDEO]

If you’re just getting started in your home search, you’ll want to be familiar with the neighborhood you plan on settling down in. Something we recommend is to do some research on the areas that interest you. You’ll want to do some of your own research on the area to make sure you’re confident it’s the […]
VA Home Loans: 5 Reasons they Rock! [VIDEO]

If you have honorably served our country, it’s important for you to know about the benefits you have earned when it comes to buying a home. As an 8 year Navy Veteran myself, I have obtained multiple VA Home Loans throughout the years and have personally experienced some of the tremendous opportunities that you can create for […]
The VA Appraisal: What VA Loan Home Buyers Should Know [VIDEO]

So there seems to be some misunderstandings about VA Loans and the supposed “VA Home Inspection.” Since many of our clients are military, this is something I have to clear up again and again: The VA Appraisal is not a Home Inspection. [SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO] When you are using a VA Loan to purchase a property, […]
Buying a House: The Home Inspection [VIDEO]

Just like when buying a car, you’ll most likely want to have an expert take a closer look at that home before shelling out however many hundreds-of-thousands of dollars on it. This is the home inspection, and it’s a very important step during the buyer investigation period when buying a home. Once you have a fully signed and accepted purchase […]
Home Buying Contingencies —Explained! [VIDEO]

Ever watch HGTV? One of their home buying shows? Just like all things TV, they are pretty close to real life… …right? “Oh great!— the buyers submitted an offer and the seller accepted so they get the ‘congratulations, you just bought a home!’ phone call from their agent and they are now home owners…right?” *sigh* […]
Home Buying Basics: Real Estate Disclosures [VIDEO]

Some of the most important parts of purchasing real estate as a home buyer are the real estate disclosures! Oh, believe me— I get it. Real estate disclosures can be a super DRY subject I know, [**yawn**] but if not taken seriously, you may find yourself in a very WET situation (think not paying attention to the fact that the […]
6 Reasons the VA Loan Blows Other Loans Away!

In this awesome article, I’m going to share with you 6 reasons why the VA Loan Blows away other loans such as Conventional and FHA Loans! Be sure to read it to the end for many other home-buying resources! For years past, there seems to have been a stigma against VA loans in Real Estate, and for the […]
The Pre-Approval: What Serious Home Buyers Should Know [VIDEO]

Are you serious about owning a home, or are you just messing around? One of the most important first steps to take once you’ve decided to purchase a home is to talk with a trusted Loan Officer and get pre-approved. With a pre-approval in hand, you’re one step closer to actually owning a home and bidding your ever-rising […]
Earnest Money Deposit: What Every Home Buyer Ought to Know [VIDEO]

On the prowl for a home? One of the main terms on your offer will be your Earnest Money Deposit amount. What’s the Earnest Money Deposit you ask? Good question. You need to know. When you are ready to submit an offer, one of the terms you will decide on will be how much to offer as […]