300 Roanoke Rd
VA Approved Condos are always in demand, especially in areas with a strong military community! Especially when they are located so close to places like downtown Cajon, dining, shopping, gyms, and entertainment! All of these things you get to enjoy as with most condos, someone else handles the outside work. One of the biggest draws of condo ownership is freedom from maintenance you might not have the time, desire or ability to tackle — mowing the lawn or repairing outside structures.
So knowing that properties like this are in high demand, we know that we have a responsibility to deliver on properties like this, and the Jedi’s are certainly up for the challenge!
Coming Soon Property Website
We created a Coming Soon property website so that interested parties can get information easily such as price and location. We are going to be driving traffic to your property listing page via Facebook ads and through our own reach. While every home is unique, they are all presented in the exact same way on listing sites. The same layout with the same information in the same places. Boring right? With a unique property site you have no restrictions at all and can present your listing any way you’d like. Do you want to start with a full screen video or a closeup of a historic detail while music plays? No problem. You can have complete creative control over your own site.
Social Sharing

Social Media Splashing

We always start out with a splash social media strategy. That means that we will place your property on all of the major social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. A lot of agents do this, and sometimes they can get lost in the shuffle. So in order to stand out, we look for things that will make them stop for a second as they are scrolling through their feeds. We like to use color contrast, emojis, or cleverly worded text that will give them just enough information to entice them to people in social channels to ask for more!
As we said above, the copy (writing above the post) is intended to give enough information that will spark some interest of readers. We always give some details about the property, the location, the amount of bedrooms and bathrooms and sometimes the square footage. We always direct readers to click the included trackable link in order to get pricing information. We do this so that we can possibly set an appointment with potential buyers who are interested in your property.
A few years ago, the online branding and marketing company called Hootsuite did a study on the use of emojis in advertising. After extensive A/B Testing, they discovered that on average, Facebook posts including emojis usually showed a 30%-40% higher click-through rates and 20% lower CPC (Cost Per Click) than regular posts. So we don’t add emojis because we “Like” them, we use them because we have data to support that posts that use them, capture people’s attention!

We have marketed the property amongst our database and network through social media on all of our social sites with the intent of sending people back to your property’s home page! Again, once they sign up, we continue to follow up with them!
Text Message Autoresponder With Property Website Information

Because so many people communicate almost exclusively via text message, we’ve found that a lot of Real Estate buyers are more than happy just to send a text message for more information about a property. When they do this, we’re instantly alerted that someone is looking at your home or property, and besides sending them the information they requested instantly, we can then follow up with them via text or phone call in order to try and schedule an appointment with them to come see your home. Want to see how it works? Text “3438” to 619.431.4133 now!
Just Listed Postcards Ordered
We believe that people who live around you like where they live! So we try to connect with local renters who may want to become homeowners, as well as home owners who may want to tell friends or loved ones that a Beautiful Home with a Pool has just come available. So we have sent out our announcement postcard to roughly 240 households within your immediate area to increase awareness as we prepare to go live on the market. We used the text messaging autoresponder that we discussed above to deliver the property website seamlessly to anyone who inquires!

Property Video
You’ve heard of YouTube right? Well, did you know that YouTube is the biggest search engine on the Web? Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram have started to put a lot of effort into getting video front and center on their platforms. When it comes to Real Estate, according to the National Association of Realtors as well as Google, in 2017, 86% of home shoppers used video to learn more about a specific community, and new home buyers placed an emphasis on virtual tours and videos showcasing properties they were interested in! So, we brought in a professional videographer to showcase your property. Better yet, with out understanding of how video search engines work, we are actually able to get your video on the front of a YouTube Search page!

We optimized the property to rank #1 in all searches on Youtube For “El Cajon Condo For Sale” . Our goal is to create more awareness and ultimately urgency of potential buyers who may be looking at the house. All buyers know that the more exposure a listing receives, the more competition they have, and hopefully more incentive to move quickly!
Facebook Ads For The Open House
After we do a splash post on all of those channels, we move to our target audiences in your geographical area. The difference between the “Splash” and “Targeting” is that when we target audiences, we are deliberately putting your property in front of very specific audiences, where the “Splash” is much more passive. We do all of this through our business Facebook page at The Mesker Team. The copy (writing above the post) is intended to give enough information that will spark some interest of readers (Just Like in the Splash). Besides the date and time of the open house, we always give some details about the property, the location, the amount of bedrooms and bathrooms, sometimes the square footage. WE NEVER GIVE PRICE INFO IN THE POST. We always direct readers to click the included trackable link in order to get pricing information. We do this so that we can possibly set an appointment with potential buyers who are interested in your property.
- Audience #1- We targeted all people in El Cajon and a 4 mile radius who were most likely to move based on life events occurring in their lives.
- Audience #2- We also targeted people a separate audience focusing on the most likely buyer for this Condo (first time buyer)
As we said above, one of the other things you’ll see a lot of in our ads and posts are emojis! But trust us, we don’t use them because we like them. There’s actually a lot of research that goes into how emojis play a roll in the way people communicate, and we pay attention to that! A few years ago, the online branding and marketing company called Hootsuite did a study on the use of emojis in advertising. After extensive A/B Testing, they discovered that on average, Facebook posts including emojis usually showed a 30%-40% higher click-through rates and 20% lower CPC (Cost Per Click) than regular posts. If that doesn’t make you 😀, I don’t know what will! So that’s why we always try to include emojis in all of our Deliberate Targeting and our Splash posts.
Facebook Ads are massively underutilized when it comes to the real estate business. We take great pride in using them because it allows us to strategically place your property in front of Facebook users within a 4 mile radius who are most likely to move. We did it for the “Coming Soon”, “Just Listed” and “Open House”!

Real Estate Search Sites
According to the Report titled the “2017 Real Estate in a Digital Age“, that is put out every year by the National Association of Realtors, 99% of millennials, 89% of Baby Boomers, and 77% of the Silent Generation all search on real estate websites. While your property will certainly get to thousands of websites around the web, we make sure that we focus on the top three Real Estate Search sites that account for nearly 90% of all real estate related activity to ensure that your home is put in the best possible light, for the most amount of people.
Zillow Group
173 S Street is also placed on Zillow and Trulia which is known as the Zillow Group, and has 73.5 million unique users across desktop and mobile devices. Which accounts for 64% of all online related real estate searches…..WOW

300 Roanoke Rd is listed on Zillow and Trulia ( Your Zillow Property Link)

( Your Trulia Property Link)

300 Roanoke Rd is listed on Realtor.com (Your Property Link) (Realtor.com nationally receives 39.7 million regular users
Without a doubt, the way people are buying and selling homes is changing. With the Real Estate Jedi Team, we are thankful for the opportunity to work with you and your family in order to get your house sold quickly and for the most amount of money possible. In order to do this, and deliver the experience that you deserve, we work very hard to stay current on buyer trends, and the constant evolution of how online platforms enhance the home buying and selling experience. We hope that this case study gives you a glimpse into our commitment to our customers, our community, and our industry!